WEBINAR: Supporting Student Success with Data Collection

Thursday, October 17
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET

Montessori is science-based education – what data are you collecting?? 

The Montessori method is rooted in collecting student data - observations, student work samples, and developmental milestones, which have all been used to guide our teaching. While we understand the need for data, have we considered how we can take data collection to the next level to better support our students?

This webinar will cover:  

Why data collection matters and the need for consistent and accurate information

Efficiencies in data collection

Impact of data on student success

Consequences of not having comprehensive data

Data collection and DEI

Creating a process for consistent data gathering and how to best use that information 

Register for the Webinar

Thursday, October 17 at 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET

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